About Us
Mnaamodzawin Health Services was officially established as a health authority, by the United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin (UCCM) in 1996. This was accomplished through the signing of the first Health Transfer Agreement, under the umbrella of UCCM.
The primary goal set forth by the Chiefs at the time, was to gain control of health services, ensuring that they met the unique needs and the Cultural values of the
member First Nations on Manitoulin Island. With the support of the Chiefs of UCCM, UCCM Health Services became incorporated
in 1999, and officially became known as Mnaamodzawin Health Services Inc.
Mnaamodzawin Health Services Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors, which is comprised 2 voting members, from each of our partner communities, for a total of ten members. Within the Board of Directors, we have an Executive Committee, comprised of a President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.
Board of Directors
President, Kevin Mossip, Zhiibaahaasing First Nation
Vice-President, Chief Elvis Mishibinijima, Sheguiandah First Nation
Secretary/Treasurer, Karen McGraw-Shokan, Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation
Chief Irene Kells, Zhiibaahaasing First Nation
Leona Nahwegahbow, Whitefish River First Nation
Jeff McGregor, Whitefish River First Nation
Andrew Aguonie, Sheguiandah First Nation
Deanna Sampson, Sheshegwaning First Nation
Marie McLeod, Sheshegwaning First Nation
Bryan Corbiere, Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation
MHS is governed by a President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and Members that are elected from the First Nations that we are partnered with.
The Board of Directors hold monthly meetings at the Mnaamodzawin Health Services Inc. main office.
Our Team
Senior Management
Craig Abotossaway, BSW, MSW, Executive Director – Telephone Ext. 263
Linda Kimewon, Finance Manager – Telephone Ext. 205
Rebecca Milne, Allied Health Manager/Human Resources Officer* – Telephone Ext.271
Tracy Tooley, Operations Manager – Telephone Ext. 214
Cathy Prenter, Receptionist – Telephone Ext. 200
Catherine Brown, Finance Assistant/Inventory Clerk*- Telephone Ext. 225
William Trudeau, Casual Receptionist/MOW Assistant*
Robin Maltby, Program Assistant/Social Navigator – Telephone Ext. 230
Kellie Robinson, Digital Health/Privacy Officer – Telephone Ext. 221
Staff noted with * are dual roles that pertain to administration
Community Health Nurses
Lauren Dewar, BScN, RN, Clinical Team Lead Transitions – Telephone Ext. 208
Kathleen Taylor, BScN, RN, NSWOC, Clinical Team Lead Home Care – Telephone Ext. 229
Lisa Madahbee, RPN, Community Health Nurse
Dione Gordon, BScN, RN, Community Health Nurse
Cherise Opolko, RPN, Highschool Community Health Nurse
Grace Shawanda, RN, Community Health Nurse
Dominyk Desrosiers, RN, Community Health Nurse
Cynthia Paquette, RN. Community Health Nurse
Shelby Hester, RN, Community Health Nurse
Diabetes Education
Denise Graham, Diabetes Health Promotion – Telephone Ext. 212
Healthy Families Program Coordinator
Donna Gammie, Healthy Families Program Coordinator – Telephone Ext. 202
Angela Harper, Healthy Families Program Coordinator – Telephone Ext. 213
Homecare Department
Jennifer Contant, Personal Support Worker
Kelly Manitowabi, Personal Support Worker
Lindsay Owl, Personal Support Worker
Serge Krieger, Personal Support Worker
Veronica Recollet, Personal Support Worker
Deserea Harrington, Personal Support Worker
Mental Health Department
Paul McDonald, RSW, Team Lead Mental Health Clinician – Telephone Ext. 234
Jacquie Allen, RP, Mental Health Clinician – Telephone Ext. 269
Ken Lander, RSW, Mental Health Clinician – Telephone Ext. 239
Kim Weber, Mental Health Clinician – Telephone Ext. 217
Anne-Julie (AJ) Lozeau, Mental Health Clinician – Telephone Ext. 126
Agnes Ndukwu, Mental Health Clinician – Telephone Ext.239
Meals on Wheels Department
Angel Martinez, Meals on Wheels Caterer – Telephone Ext. 258
Simon de Sousa, Meals on Wheels Caterer – Telephone Ext. 258
Mark MacDonald
Visiting Healthcare Professionals
Dr. Koka, Adult Psychiatry
Dr. Sanchez, Child Psychiatry
Dr. Tara Clapp, ND
Arrole Lawrence
Doreen South
Ken Kakeeway
Nathalie Fert