Operating Principles

Mnaamodzawin Health Services provides efficient and effective service delivery within available resources through

Community participation in planning, implementation and evaluation of health services

Ongoing, open dialogue with the communities we serve

A holistic approach to services which puts clients’ needs at the centre of health care delivery

Partnership and collaboration with community organizations

Integrated care with other community services to best respond to community needs

Ongoing staff continuing education to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients


This is our language and who we are


All of our tribes in our nations

Debenjiged gii’saan anishaaben akiing

Creator place of the Anishinabe on the earth

Giibi dgwon gaadeni mnidoo waadiziwin

along with the gift of spirituality

Shkode, nibi, aki, noodin, giibi dgosdoonan wii naagdowendmang maanpii shkagmigaang

Here on mother earth, there were gifts given to the Anishinabe to look after, fire, water, earth and wind.

Debenjiged gii miinaan gechtwaa wendaagog Anishinaaben waa naagdoonjin ninda

niizhwaaswi kino maadwinan

The creator also gave the Anishinabe seven sacred gifts to guide the. They are:

Zaagidwin, Debwewin, Mnaadendmowin, Nbwaakaawin, Ddaadendiziwin, Gwekwaadziwin

miinwa Aakedhewin

Love, Truth, Respect, Wisdom, Humility, Honesty and Bravery

Debenjiged kiimiingona dedbinwe wi naagdowendiwin

Creator gave us sovereignty to govern ourselves

Ka mnaadendanaa gaabi zhuwebag miinwaa nango megwaa ezhwebag, miinwaa geyaabi waa

ni zhiwebag

We respect and honour the past, present and future.

– UCCM Elders Circle 2009